River Legacy Living Science Center

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I enroll my child in a class if they are outside of the age restriction?

A. To be eligible for Nature School, a child must be 3, 4, or 5 years old (not yet enrolled in kindergarten) as of September 1, and must be fully toilet trained and toilet-independentFor our summer camps, children must be 3, 4 or 5 by the session date in which they are enrolled and must be fully toilet trained and toilet-independent. The classrooms are not licensed or equipped for diaper changing; therefore, pull-ups and diapers are not permitted. For older students, enrollment is based on the grade they will be entering in the next school year. 


Q. What is the maximum class size?

A. Class sizes range from 9 to 14 depending on age group. Each class has two highly qualified teachers.


Q. Can I drop off my child at the front door of the building?

A. Because we take seriously our responsibility for your child's safety, our protocol requires that an authorized adult sign each child in and out at the classroom door each day of camp.


Q. How early can I drop off my child for camp?

A. Classroom doors will open at 9 a.m. If you arrive earlier, you and your student can enjoy the activities in the Science Center Atrium until classroom doors open.


Q. How do you handle nut and other food allergies?

A. The snacks we provide in all classes every day are commercially produced and nut free. Packaging with ingredient lists are available for your examination upon request. All students in full day classes are asked to bring a lunch that does not include nut products. If you would prefer to have your child bring a snack from home that you know will meet their health needs, our teachers can readily accommodate that change in snack routine.


Q. May I sign my child up for a class with the same title for more than one week?

A. Although we offer more than one session for most of our classes, the curriculums with the same title are the same each week. Please pick the week that works best for your schedule. We offer lots of great classes for each age group so your child may attend classes at the center multiple weeks throughout the summer, but each class title should be different.


Q. What is your refund policy?

A. Each of our classes has a different refund policy. Please refer to the specific class tab for the appropriate refund policy.