For 15 remaining sessions $750.00
To be eligible for this class, students must be 3 years old by September 1, 2024 and fully toilet trained.
Our three-year-olds focus on the plant and animal life in and around our nature center. They begin their year exploring the animal world, meeting woodland inhabitants such as squirrels and opossums, owls and woodpeckers, snakes, insects and spiders. In the spring, their focus shifts to the investigation of trees, wildflowers and mushrooms. Every class includes a walk in the woods, weather permitting. These adventures turn the forest into a fabulous hands-on learning lab.
09/09/2024, 09/16/2024, 09/23/2024, 09/30/2024, 10/07/2024, 10/14/2024, 10/21/2024, 10/28/2024, 11/04/2024, 11/11/2024, 11/18/2024, 12/02/2024, 12/09/2024, 01/06/2025, 01/13/2025, 01/20/2025, 01/27/2025, 02/03/2025, 02/10/2025, 02/17/2025, 02/24/2025, 03/03/2025, 03/10/2025, 03/24/2025, 03/31/2025, 04/07/2025, 04/14/2025, 04/21/2025, 04/28/2025, 05/05/2025
Participants must be 3 years to 4 years old when the program starts.
Minimum: 5
Maximum: 9
Registration starts on 02/12/2024 and ends on 04/14/2025.
Room: Turtle's Log
Please contact River Legacy Nature Center if you have any questions.